Timeout Notification Listener


This component sends an email reminder a day before task due date, and escalation email on the day after due date.

Table of Content


Task Listener

How it Works

This component intended to use only along with task due date.

This component relies on listed parameters.

  • escalationGroup (Listener Field) : Recognized groupName within Camunda. Mandatory = Yes
  • messageName (Listener Field) : This refers the message name from notification_email.bpmn . Mandatory = Yes

The listener is expected to be configured on task event timeout with any desired timer definition.
Upon configuration, For reminder: a day before due date;email is sent.

> For assigned tasks; reminder is sent to user.  
                >  For unassigned tasks; reminder is sent to group.  

Also, for escalation: a day after due date; email is sent.

> For both assigned and unassigned task, it uses the configured **escalationGroup**.   

Please note this component uses the process notification_email.bpmn and, it will recognise only the reserved category activity_reminder and activity_escalation.

How to Use

Below snapshot shows how TimeoutNotifyListener can be used in process.

TimeoutNotifyListener being configured on timeout of task; with fields configured for notification.

Timeout Notification listener escalationGroup - Snapshot

Timeout Notification listener messageName - Snapshot

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