Adding Listeners


Listeners allow you to execute external Java code or evaluate an expression when certain events occur during process execution. Listeners are a mechanism that is very often used during process development. We can compare them to aspects of aspect programming. Comparing to aspects may open up some horizons for you, as many programmers are closer to this solution than Camunda specific listeners. Depending on the definition, we can run them at start/end activity/gateway/process instance/events.

forms-flow-bpm Listeners

This page elaborates on customization and listeners created for use.

Name Type How it Works How to Use
FormConnectorListener Task Listener This component can be used on CREATE event of task listener. This serves to associate a form with task. Refer link
NotifyListener Task Listener This component can be used on CREATE event of task listener; and sends email upon task creation. Refer link
TaskDurationAttributesListener Task/Execution Listener This component can be used on any event of task/execution listener. This calculates and set DUE DATE in business days. Refer link
ApplicationAuditListener Task/Execution Listener This component to be used on any event of task or execution. Upon configuration, this send value from cam variables: "applicationStatus" and "formUrl" to system for capturing audit. Refer link
ApplicationStateListener Task/Execution Listener This component can be used on any event of task/execution listener. Upon configuration it takes care of
1. Syncing system' with the active status from camunda.
2. Send value from cam variables: "applicationStatus" and "formUrl" to system for capturing audit.
Refer link
FormBPMDataPipelineListener Task/Execution Listener This component can be used on any event of task/execution listener. It is used for populating formio data into CAM Variables. Refer link
BPMFormDataPipelineListener Task/Execution Listener This component can be used on any event of task/execution listener. It is used for populating CAM Variables into formio data. Refer link
ExternalSubmissionListener Execution Listener This component allows direct integration from any external system and does offline sync-up within i.e creates submission in formio. Refer link
FormAccessTokenCacheListener Execution Listener This component intended to run ONLY with the dedicated token cache process formio-access-token.bpmn.It generates and stores the formio token as variable in global scope. Refer link
EmailAttributesListener Execution Listener This component intended to run ONLY with the process notification_email.bpmn & "email-template.dmn" or any similar notification processes.It replaces all reserved identifier @{variable} with values in email body. Refer link
TimeoutNotifyListener Task Listener This component sends an email reminder a day before task due date, and escalation email on the day after due date. Refer link
FormSubmissionListener Task/Execution Listener This component from the current formUrl create a new revision and set that as a CAM variable. Refer link
FormBPMFilteredDataPipelineListener Task/Execution Listener This component can be used on any event of task/execution listener. It is used for populating specific variables from formio to CAM Variables. Refer link

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